While Miyazaki has numerous bicycle shops, 99% of them only stock the 'Japanese Classic Bicycle' (familiar to your grandfather's generation). These heavy bikes, favored by most Japanese cyclists, boast three gears and a basket. The good news is that a range of mountain bikes, tourers and racers can be ordered by most bicycle shops. Expect a week or two for your order to come in.
A decent range of mountain bikes, tourers and racers from Japanese, Asian and American manufacturers are available. Not as extensive of a selection as you might find in your home country.
Prices are similar to what you would pay back home. Mountain bikes start at 30,000 yen for a base model. Racers and tourers start at 50,000 yen.
For those under 190 cm in height, you can expect to find a number of bikes suitable for you. Those over 190 cm can expect to have to import a bike. There are a number of bike shops that are happy to do this for you.
Accessories & Parts:
Lights, reflectors and parts are available at bike shops, sporting goods stores or department stores. Helmets tend to be expensive. Specialty parts may have to be ordered through a bike shop.
Bike shops:
Probably the best bike shop in Miyakonojo is Hiroike Cycle in Komatsubara-cho
(tel. 22-0375). It is located not far from Miyakonojo Station on Rt. 10, a block from Komatsubara Junior High School. Miyazaki and Nobeoka have a couple of bike shops with a good range of bikes on display. Each year around July/August a number of JET Program teachers are selling bikes, which is worth checking out.
Bringing your bike to Japan:
Bicycles can be brought on an airplane in a special bike box. Call your airline for bicycle luggage charges. Often the fee is much less than the price of a new bike. Bike boxes are available from most cycle shops, where they may be able to pack it for you.